Mental Health

People with mental health problems often find dealing with change or the unexpected difficult – which is why any care must be sensitive to each individual’s needs.

Home care

Compassionate Care

Changes to a routine – such as a new home help or a change in an everyday activity, such as food shopping or help around the house – can be hard to deal with. We are fully trained and experienced in supporting people dealing with mental health issues, and focus on providing positive outcomes.


Services we provide include everything from giving emotional support through to providing extensive practical support to enable someone to live their life more comfortably.

Mental Health Well-being

We invest time training our care and support workers in caring and supporting individuals and families coping with people with mental health conditions. We are a member of MIND which helps us further developing our training and experience.

Care and support services at home

We tailor each learning disability support package to each person, using staff with relevant training and experience. Matching our professionals and our customers to your satisfaction is extremely important.

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