Acquired Brain Injury

The effects of a brain injury can be wide ranging, and depend on a number of factors such as the type, location and severity of injury.


Two people holding hands

A Tailored Service

Every person’s injury is unique, so they will experience different symptoms, which can range from mild to severe. Care must therefore be tailored to the individual, and be delivered and managed by qualified and experienced personnel.


We work with charities such as Headway – the brain injury association – in order to continually develop the skills and experience of our care and support staff in this highly specialist field.

Personalised Care

Care begins with an initial meeting, including family where possible, where we will discuss the person’s needs, background, history, culture and medical condition so that we can match the right care and support worker to them.


Care and support services at home

We tailor each learning disability support package to each person, using staff with relevant training and experience. Matching our professionals and our customers to your satisfaction is extremely important.

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